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Lt. Col. Hartford H. Vereen 0-901433, Major Kenneth T. Omley 0-415251, Captain Chauncy P. Pond 0-906812, Major John T. Hopper, Lt. Col. Ralph M. Edmunds, Lt. James W. Waggoner, Lt. Col. Curtis P. Boas, Major John T. Hopper, Major Steed Rountree 0-3006001, Major Leslie R. Drane, Captain Jack B. Krebs 0-411067, Lt. Emory Kimbrough 0-15733, Lt. Antony Sembekos 0-1576630, Lt. Ritchie A. Turnbull 0-564510, Major Walter Halpert 0-320728, Captain William E. Neff 0-284768, Major Moir L. Shockley 0-298472, Captain Frederick W. Ross 0-112776, Captain Rudd A. Meiklejohn 0-408777, Lt. Arthur S. Rogow 0-1579034, Major James D. Briggs 0-405693, Lt. John E. Bull 0-579838, Lt. David E. Basham 0-479914, Captain Elmer R. Olsen 0-338375, Captain Robert J. Porter 0-494637, Captain Cornelius A. McManus 0-375602, Lt. Joseph H. Baumgardner 0-1287460, Lt. Richard C. Crane 0-860127, Lt. James R. Cicarelli 0-158622, Lt. Abraham Levine 0-569089, Lt. Weldon D. Nichols 0-578722, Lt. Charles A. Bachman 0-864278, Col. James S. Sutton 0-18122, Lt. Col. Frank D. Cotter, Lt. Col. Robert J. Reed 0-397680, M ajor John A. McDonand 0-885086, Captain Moir L. Shockley 0-298472, Major Joseph E. Lowe 0-724784, Lt. Hamilton Wilkins Jr. 0-798062, Lt. George L. Steinfeld 0-2044585, Lt. Dilon G. Hagen, Lt. George Ewhart, Fred W. Burdick, Lt. Wilbert M. Fitzpatrick, Captain Alvin B. Cutler, Major Robert J. Porter, Major Warren M. Gilbert, Major Salvatore L. Monaco, Captain Lewis M. Freedman, Captain Robert C. Stowers, S/Sgt. Angelo R. Duca, Pfc. John W. Fitzsimmons, Cpl. Theodore Colavita, S/Sgt. George R. Stone, S/Sgt. James J. Morello, Lt. Willie Joe Carter, Lt. Harriet C. Parks, Lt. Lena McFarland, Cpl. Roland D. Hill, Cpl. Robert F. Hullet, T/3 Andrew M. Gonda, S/Sgt. Alton D. Tooke, Cpl. Milton Deaner, Pfc. Edward P. Zar, Pfc. Harry H. Pittard, Cpl. George E. Kerr, Pfc. George Brincko, Cpl. George A. Chipouras, S/Sgt. Charles W. Englehardt Jr., S/Sgt. Michael J. Begenis, Cpl. Carson P. Barker, Henry H. Ogden, J. Kenneth Hull, Buell B. Randolph, Paul Hawkins, Walter G. Hinnau, Butch W. Messer, Gifford L. Hitz, George V. Russel, James E. Boyce, Joe Henley, Bob Drury, Ken Hoge, Captain Gregory P. Thomas 0-885089, Captain Joel A. Carroll Jr., Captain James E. Hill Jr., Lt. Gordon W. Fisher, Lt. William G. Triplett, Lt. David W. Holyfield Jr., Lt. Robert G. Paulette 0-440353, Lt. Earl J. Carroll 0-512149, Lt. Miles C. Linehan 0-423225, Lt. Werner E. Koethe 0-864312, Lt. Layron J. Halbrook 0-1585543, Lt. Ernest C. Porter 0-582253, Lt. Thomas S. Agramonte, Lt. John B. Howard 0-433372, Lt. Ira L. Sullivan 0-726504, Lt. John B. Howard 0-433372, Lt. Maurice C. McGee 0-561588, Captain William D. Nading 0-1699251, Lt. Edgar A. Pryal 0-432121, Captain Robert J. Dennison, Lt. Walter J. Lenox, Lt. Sampson Sharff, Lt. Maurice J. Pasteur 0-797889, Lt. Harold M. Swank 0-726843, Lt. Larry J. Bredda 0-745282, Lt. Virgil J. Reimer 0-512764, Lt. Earl J. Carroll 0-512149, Lt. James J. Wynne 0-579735, Lt. Matthew G. Hoenes 0-803621, Lt. Harry W. Protzeller  0-740553, Lt. Fred W. Rue 0-743101, Lt. Caliphor J. Sellers O-799658, Lt. Frederick M. Werth 0-800437, Lt. Thaddeus F. Chelchowski 0-749558, Lt. Clarence A. Clarke 0-803938, Lt. Harry D. Hall 0-805616, Lt. Delbert E. Harris 0-676787, Lt. Carl E. Johnson 0-610667, Lt. Algie M. Hill 0-515002, Lt. Jack H. Kitsos 0-680456, Lt. Charles G. Krautbauer 0-680457, Lt. Leo C. Legard 0-748697, Lt. Kenneth D. Mace 0-745434, Lt. Roy T. Marshall 0-749032, Lt. Dudley L. Willis 0-806566, Lt. Harley M. Hansley 0-678333, Lt. Edward G. Miller 0-295479, Lt. Lloyd E. Pearson 0-677204, Lt. Edmund T. Rogers 0-518150, Lt. Paul W. Sherlin 0-529375, Lt. Donald Welch 0-513324, Lt. Henry R. Sampson 0-678333, Lt. Walter F. Derck 0-681352, Lt. Robert D. Patterson 0-799848, Lt. Carl H. Pointer 0-522408, Lt. Stanley Timone 0-743135, Lt. Leon Tropp 0-523573, Lt. Raymond D. Petty 0-665439, Lt. Harry A. Coleman 0-792684, Lt. Howard Chandler 0-664375, Lt. Thomas E. Mostyn 0-665849, Lt. Donald S. Davis, Lt. Melvin E. Jarvis, Captain William D. Nading 0-1699251, Captain Gregory P. Thomas, Captain Francis C. Palma, Major John A. McDonald, Warrant Officer W.D. McCormick, Lt. Ira L. Sullivan, Lt. Larry J. Bredda, Lt. Robert S. McCants, Lt. William P. Brunder 0-412034, Lt. Silas P. Borden 0-499344, Lt. Raymond D. Petty 0-665430, Lt. Robert L. Fallow 0-742856, Lt. Frank S. Frazer 0-796043, Lt. Harry A. Coleman 0-792684, Lt. Ted M. Freeman 0-686737, Lt. Howard Gilberg 0-498315, Lt. William W. Kellogg 0-512285, Lt. Melvin L. Kodas 0-503283, Lt. John H. Trostle 0-806551, Lt. Walter L. Lennox 0-497983, Lt. Edwin Meltzer 0-733687, Lt. Dean M. Osher 0-503601, Lt. Joseph P. Martin 0-502099, Lt. Louis Paulic 0-529298, Lt. Howard P. Pedersen 0-681960, Lt. Francis M. Richards 0-742017, Lt. Jerry D. Rosser 0-745516, Lt. John J. Doktor 0-659108, Lt. Howard M. Chandler 0-644375, Lt. Harry V. Dulick 0-502209, Lt. Norbert N. Gebhard 0-740786, Lt. Herbert B. Hebb 0-498060, Lt. Allen S. Jackson 0-511208, Lt. Gordon T. Jenkins 0-665808, Lt. Patrick B. Lewis 0-2044880, Lt. James E. Mostyn 0-665849, Lt. John C. Mouat 0-798560, Lt. William J. O'Connell 0-683200, Lt. John G. Paynter 0-2044926, Lt. Richard G. Ralston 0-742012, Lt. Rex P. Robinson 0-511197, Lt. Fred E. Sayro 0-740944, Lt. Billy H. Sellers 0-745757, Lt. Lee D. Slessor 0-675132, Lt. Howard A. Stillwell 0-511947, Lt. William W. Thomas 0-800073, Lt. Robert L. Decker 0-885959, Lt. Corin A. Lewis 0-805644, Lt. Jack K. Rollins 0-681199, Lt. Paul L. Thiessen 0-515401, Lt. Victor C. Alm 0-427109, Captain John F. Cercek 0-795346, Captain Kenneth W. Gurney 0-789388, Captain John Harris 0-728864, Captain George M. Hrebec 0-665027, Captain John H. Lewis 0-795057, Lt. William S.J. Curley 0-789142, Lt. Donald A. Davis 0-742974, Lt. Clarence E. Dorsey 0-678673, Lt. John J. Doyle 0-679057, Lt. Sherman L. Hart 0-746334, Lt. Joseph E. Kutscher 0-502270, Lt. Lester A. Lake 0-671975, Lt. Harold F. McKee 0-675933, Lt. Julian C. Trenholm 0-803907, Lt. Stephen Albee 0-526858, Lt. Philip N. Clinton 0-681022, Lt. Earl E. Garrard 0-681047, Lt. Howard L. Goodman 0-2044656, Lt. Ralph C. McLean 0-677416, Lt. Murphy A. Pruett 0-677932, Lt. Harold L. Youngren 0-677932, Flight Officer Gordon T. Kinsella T-085030, Flight Officer Wendell L. McMahan T-121011, T/Sgt. Alfred Jackson 6949960, T/Sgt. Robert E. Miller 6997450, T/Sgt. John H. Tschudy 6995778, S/Sgt. Thomas W. Brandes 12024222, S/Sgt. Jacques A. Gordon 12010361, S/Sgt. William P. Lulf 13029012, Sgt. Victor C. Corson 15323223, Sgt. Linzie P. Dutton 32142934, Sgt. Dana W. Fesler 39375350, Sgt. William R. Morris 15394510,Sgt. Charles D. Pavlak 12035583, Sgt. Arthur F. Reno 37459160, Cpl. Vincent J. Blask 12003287, Cpl. Robert P. Goodwin 11052055, Cpl. Buford L. Lamb 17127383, Cpl. Charles W. Miller 15078111, Pfc. Archie H. Christensen 37264292, Pfc. Travis J. Bedenbaugh 15103706, Pfc. Genero H. Galarze Jr. 38358937, Pfc. James C. Orman 34587395, Pfc. Holgar Scorting 12167121, Pfc. Claude L. Weaver 16050684, Pvt. Anthony Leotta 32422038, Pvt. Lester W. Weiland 17110847, Cpl. Joseph V. Cioffi 32605110, Cpl. Robert T. Goodwin 11052055, Pfc. Archie H. Christensen 37267295, Pfc. Woodrow C. Leeb 12037406, Sgt. Sam F. Joseph, S/Sgt. Harry S. Walts 35259701, S/Sgt. Henry L. Ferguson 35477679, Captain Jack B. Krebs 0-411067, Lt. Lee L. Frodsham 0-1796604, Lt. Joseph H. Baumgardner 0-1287460, Lt. John D. Morledge 0-178177, Lt. Richard S. Casale, Lt. Stephen Stavisky 0-1797740, Warrant Officer Clifford L. Hyde W-2125507, Dog Handling Section, S/Sgt. Andrew Kunchak, Sgt. William Sargeant, Pvt. Elliot B. Grey, Pvt. Henry Pennington, Pvt. Joseph C. Glans, Pvt. Vernon J. King, Pvt. Stephen Mihalic, Pvt. Robert C. Fox, Pvt. Ralph Kiselbach, Pvt. Harry Vaughn, Pfc. William Nicholas Jr., 1st Sgt. Marvin E. Kiiken, S/Sgt. George H. Ashton, S/Sgt. John G. Van Vleet, S/Sgt. Samuel T. Higgins, S/Sgt. Rubin Schneider, S/Sgt. Gilbert L. Burton, S/Sgt. William R. Weller, Sgt. Hilbert G. Vogt, Sgt. Fred E. Hemphill, Sgt. Joseph A. Young, Sgt. James Shelton, Sgt. Harold L. Hulbert, Sgt. Merlin E. Sadler, Sgt. Leon L. Haworth, Cpl. Philip Krezeszewski, Cpl. Frank J. Guianasso, Cpl. Kenneth Traffinger, Cpl. R.M. Duprat, Cpl. Morris Jarrippino, Cpl. Thomas C. Harris, Cpl. Charles Weyble, Cpl. Pat I. Aiennaio, Cpl. Kenneth Traffenger, Cpl. Raymond H. Bammann, Cpl. Thomas Harris, Cpl. Charles W. Keeney, T/5 Antony J. Ferrara, T/5 Edward T. Cutler, T/5 Randell S. Robertson, Pfc. Hubert A. McLamb, Pfc. William K. Ledbetter, Pfc. Robert R. Stroud, Pfc. Hubert O. Smith, Pfc. Richard C. Marks, Pfc. Samuel P. Walls, Pfc. Creed E. Salyers, Pfc. John M. Foster, Pfc. James Sessons, Pfc. Francis J. Rondhuis, Pfc. Nathaniel Harper, Pfc. Lawtie Oglesby, Pfc. Samuel P. Walls, Pfc. Harold Lewis, Pfc. Andrew Steppenbacher, Pfc. Richard C. Marks, Pfc. Joseph C. Rameriz, Pfc. William K. Ledbetter,Pfc. Norman Stewart, Pfc. Charles Weyble, Pfc. Frank M. Bost, Pfc. John W. Foster, Pfc. Sam S. Horwitz, Pfc. Joseph W. Karney, Pfc. William J. Lee, Pfc. Raymond Sowder, Pfc. Hubert A. McLamb, Pfc. Clyde P. Stroup, Pfc. Winant M. CalaCreese, Pfc. Louis F. Jankowski, Pfc. Jack L. Petersen, Pfc. Joseph E. Webb, Pfc. Steve Bielski, Pvt. Joseph A. Griman, Pvt. Carrol B. Woods, Pvt. Julian Thornton, Pvt. Vincent M. Calabrese, Lt. James H. Shaw, Lt. Elbert C. Combs Jr., Henry H. Ogden, Lockheed Overseas Corporation General Manager, J. Kenneth Hull, LOC Assistant General Manager, Buell B. Randolph, LOC Administration, Paul Hawkins, LOC Production Department, Walter G. Hinnau, LOC Stores  Department, Butch W. Messer, LOC Industrial Relations, Gifford L. Hitz, LOC Traffic and Transportation, George V. Russel, LOC Depot Engineering, James E. Boyce, LOC Engineering and Inspection, Flight Lieutenant Alan McG. Tough RAF Liaison, Major Samuel Blank, Post Surgeon, Chaplain Verne H. Warner, Vivian Campbell - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Edna Burke Clancy - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Adelia Elsie Evavold - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Ruth Frances Fick - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Gladys Wilson Heywood - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Louise A. Parker - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Alta Verda Paynter - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Zella Dagny Thorness - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Ruth Clara Struebing - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Alice H. Marburg - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Major Frederick Bancroft Johnson 0-661122, Ban Johnson, F.B. Johnson, Major Frederick B. Johnson, Lt. Elijah P. Fields, Lt. Elijah Preston Fields, Lt. Richard E. Townsend, Major Walter J. Ives, Lt. Ronald J. Johnson, Lt. Glenn R. Young, Lt. Carl V. Long, Captain L. E. Schoff, Lt. William R. Knight, Lt. Frederick R. Hickerson, Lt. Frederick Ramirez Hickerson, Kenneth Wendell Hoge, Ken Hoge - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Joe Henley - Henley's Photo Bakersfield - Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Bob Drury, Robert Drury - Lockheed Overseas Corporation,  S/Sgt. Edgar Otto, S/Sgt. Robert Cruz, S/Sgt. Walter Krueger, Pfc. John Frank, Cpl. Walter Ashe, Sgt. John Hanson, Sgt. Raffaele Lamborghini, Cpl. Herbert Turner, Cpl. Ronald Gilbert, Cpl. Walter Bernier, T/Sgt. Harold Lenmark, Cpl. Lincoln Reid, Sgt. Wade Barton, Cpl. Albert Gee, Cpl. James Lytle, Sgt. Frederick Stockton, Cpl. Harry Stark, S/Sgt. William Homzik, Sgt. Alfred Gnayck, Cpl George Boyer, T/Sgt. Elbert Shankles, Sgt. Wentworth Sankey, Pfc. Frank Pupak, Sgt. Kenneth Bair, Sgt. E.A. Vettorino, S/Sgt. Robert Rabbino, S/Sgt. James Griffen, Pfc. William Mathison, M/Sgt. Jack R. Gutridge, Sgt. Ambrose Lawrence, M/Sgt. Louis Hill, Cpl. William H. Al Nance, S/Sgt. William Burns, T/Sgt. Thomas Saull, Cpl. Milton Koosman, S/Sgt. Edward Annunziato, S/Sgt. Rudolph Steck, T/Sgt. William Carter, Sgt. William Cocklin, Sgt. Robert Burnham, Cpl. Herbert Rosenblum, Cpl. Gerald McCarthy, Sgt. William Lankford, Pfc. Leonard Sherman, Cpl. Melvin Hurwitz, Pfc. Oldrich Hejnal, Sgt. Harris Ger, T/Sgt. James McCray, Pfc. William Drugan, Pfc. Irving Youngelman, Sgt. Edward Nemiroff, Cpl. George Labbee, Cpl. Robert Roche, M/Sgt. Richard Hanson, T/Sgt. William May, M/Sgt. George Buckman, Pfc. Stephen Darkoch, S/Sgt. William Collins, T/Sgt. George Breig, Cpl. Richard Lambert, Cpl. Harvey Hardin, Sgt. Wallace Lott, Cpl. Reber Barnes, Cpl. Kenneth Hanson, Pfc. George Shedlarski, Cpl. Ralph Merchant, Sgt. Edward Bradley, Sgt. Loris Leinhart, 1st Sgt. Jack Courter, Sgt. Vincent Sahli, T/Sgt. Rod Emery, Cpl. Eugene Poggi, Sgt. Thomas Burnham, Sgt. Guy Blackburn, Sgt. Earl Chase, Pfc. John Perniciaro, Sgt. Robert Stokley, Pfc. Raymond Sherwood, Cpl. John Ault, Sgt. Norman Yewell, Sgt. Harold French, Sgt. Merrell Dahlstrom, Cpl. John Wilson, T/Sgt. Lloyd Sanders, Cpl. Henry Smith, Cpl. Floyd Sims, U.S. Civil Service Technicians, Mr. Howard McGonigal, Mr. Albert McGerty, Mr. Jetmond Litel, Mr. Joe Funkhouser, Mr. John Kerns, Mr. Edward Carroll, Mr. Vernon Sharer, Mr. Harold Hoyt, Mr. Eldon Applegate, Mr. Julius Mueller, Mr. Harley Bacon, Mr. Joseph Carey, Mr. Elvin Frasier, Mr. Glenn Strawn, Mr. David Kreig, Mr. Elmer Baggenstoss, Mr. Harry Arnott, Mr. Ray Hill, Mr. Jack Hinds, Mr Victor Sammett, Mr. Vincent Iannone, Mr. Frank Weiss, Mr. William Caraway, Mr. Ricahrd Rymer, Mr. Lee Sargeant, Mr. Arthur Moore, Miss Mary McLean, Mr. Frederic Franklin, Mr. George Randall, Mr. Burt Miller, Mr. E. Nayor, Mr. Roy Starnes, Mr. George Mann, Mr. Gordon Bishop, Mr. Weston Irwin, Mr. Ralph Webster, Mr. Allen Gold, Mr. E. Vasquez, Mr. John Hopkins, Mr. Harvey Fllers, Mr. Ted Liebel, Mr. Clyde Klumb, Mr. D. Chrissman, Mr. Paul Brawner, Mr. Dwight Whitmore, Mr. M. Pourchot, Mr. M. Robenson, Mr. William Owens, Mr. M. Caldell, Mr. W. Norgard, Mr. C.Cassano, Mr. Joe Hansal, Mr. J Rogers, Lt. Fred A. Barton 0-826069 Test Pilot, Lt. Harold B. Reichert 0-757112 Test Pilot, Lt. William W. Brown 0-2058977 Test Pilot, Lt. Eugene V. Qualls, Lt. James H. Shaw, Cpl. Emanuel Salter, Cpl. John Sloope, Sgt. William E. Bauer Jr., S/Sgt. Garnet F. Baker, S/Sgt. Robert D. Cipperly, Lt. C.A. Bachmann, Lt. W.J. Furlick, Captain G. W. Fugate, Major W.C. Marcus, Captain L.E. Schoff, Lt. William R. Knight, Lt. Clifford H. Prine, Lt. Chester A. Cleveland, John B. Foster, George O. Smith, Walter E. Mann, Harlan Swift Jr., Melvin B. Wright, Henry Verfuerth, Emile Carr, David Q. Johnson, W.A. Woods, Lt. John B. Fleming, Lt. Chester W. Gulczynski, Lt. George Ostroski, N.R. Cienfuegos, Waldo Bennet, Major John E. Keyes, John W. Bergin Jr., Lt. Robert T. Hill, O. W. Mickey, J.E. Polan, Robert J. Riley, J.E. Thompson, M.A. Kryzminsky, Sgt. Frank M. Seitz, Don Pike, E.Bursch, A.Jensen, A.L. Cake, F.F. Warther Jr., E.R. Cox, J.R. Waterman, L.R. Davis, W.A. Woods, Vincent J. Spring, James A. Smith, Captain William B. Hamner, Major John E. Keyes, Major Fred A. Deyo, Major Louis A. Briten, Captain Pat N. Wick, Captain Earl W. Lamb, Captain Eugene A. Womack, Lt. Harold Greenberger, Captain Richard C. Batley, Captain Frederick B. Johnson, Lt. Roswell W. Van Cott, Captain Frank C. Wagenseller MC, Lt. Max Miller, Lt. Alvin J. Marx, Lt. Clarence W. Blankenship, Captain Benjamin W. Harding, Captain Robert C. Stowers, Lt. William M. Fitzpatrick, Lt. Maurice N. Katz, Lt. Vincent J. Pietrobon, Lt. Walter Baron, Lt. Joseph C. Hitchcock, Lt. Robert A. Greenberg, Captain James W. McBride, Captain Joseph E. Bellanca, Lt. Joseph G. Rock, Lt. Chester W. Gulczynski, Lt. Joseph S. Riccio, Lt. George F. Ostroski, WOJG Steve R. Delfel, Lt. John W. Bergin Jr., Lt. Robert T. Hill, Lt. Edward F. Hilgner, CWO Orange S. Connor, Lt. William J. Casey Jr., WOJG William N. Adams, Lt. Paul F. Schwaller, Captain Wilson H. Ayers, Lt. Frank C. Wagenseller, Lt. Chester A. Cleveland, Lt. Edward N. Lessman, M/Sgt. Harry Pop Claiborne, Lt. Paul W. Sheilin, Chaplain Captain Verne H. Warner, Lt. William F. Otts, Captain Pat N. Wick, WOJG William H. Meub Jr., Lt. Richard E. Townsend 0-823739, Captain Richard M. Conlon, Lt. Scott K. Giles, Captain David L. Benshoff, Captain Frederick Pass, Captain Tony Walk GRO,  Lt. Herbert M. Daniel, Samuel L. Yahres - Embalmer, Ralph W. Ahearn - Embalmer, John M. Peacock - Embalmer, J. Earl Tucker - Embalmer,  Thomas T. Hatcher - Embalmer, Captain J.F. Randall, .M/Sgt. Charles J. Connor, M/Sgt. Charles J. Conner, Graves Registration, M/Sgt. John J. Boyle,
Col. Edmond W. Hill July 1942 - September 1942, Col Joseph L. Stromme September 1942 - February 1943, Lt. Col M W Kincaid February 1943 - February 1943, Col. William M. Lanagan February 1943 - October 1943, Col. Junius H. Houghton October 1943 - January 1944, Col. T W Scott January 1944 - February 1944, Col. John A. Laird February 1944 - April 1944, Col. James S. Sutton April 1944 - August 1944, Col. Chester P. Gilger August 1944 - November 1944, Lt Col. Robert J. Reid November 1944 - July 1945

Scheme Y Northern Ireland YNI, Headquarters, First Service Area - 9 July, 1942, Langford Lodge Air Depot - 5 September, 1942, AAF Station 597 - 28 October, 1942, until closure, 2029th Air Depot - 12 February, 1943, 403rd Air Depot - 1 May, 1943, 3rd Base Air Depot - 14 September, 1943, Storage & Experimental Station - 24 September, 1944, Hq's & Hq's Sqdn, Langford Lodge Air Depot, AAF Station 597, Hq's & Hq's Squadron, 2029th Air Depot, Hq's & Hq's Squadron, 403rd Air Depot, 42nd Supply Squadron, 7th Air Depot Group, Fifth Airdrome Squadron, 325th Air Service Group, 328th Air Service Squadron, 343rd Air Service Squadron, 520th Air Service Squadron (Detachment A), Maintenance Division, Detachment A, BAD#1, Modification & Technical Control Section M&TCS , 27th Air Transport Group, 310th Ferrying Squadron (Detachment B), 311th Ferrying Squadron, 312th Ferrying Squadron, 321st Air Transport Squadron, 897th     Military Police Company, 984th     Military Poilce Company, 1145th   Military Police Company, 1195th   Military Police Company, 1253rd   Military Police Company, Company L, 3d Battalion, 156th Infantry, 1st Veterinary Detachment (22nd Veterinary Section) (Dog Handling), 4556th Quartermaster Service Company, 407th Quartermaster Platoon (Detached 7th ADG), 442nd Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot Group, 694th Quartermaster Company (Deatched 7th ADG), 759th Quartermaster Truck Company, 1947th Quartermaster Truck Company, 2211th Quartermaster Truck Company, 1694th Ordnance Company (Automovtive), 2002nd Ordnance Company, 1038th Signal Company, 401st Signal Company (Detachment A), 55th Field Hospital, 1st Platoon, 37th Station Complement Squadron, 597th Station Complement Squadron, Station Complement Squadron BAD#3, 24th Army Airways Communications System

18th Weather Squadron, 597th Detachment, Flying Control Division - May 1944, 18th Weather Sqadron, 597 Detachment, Batteries A and B, 405th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (Semi-mobile), Batteries C and D, 405th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, 402nd Station Gas Defence Detachment, 761st Chemical Depot Company Aviation, 636th  Army Postal Unit   APO 636, 132nd Army Postal Unit   APO 132, Detachment A, 28th Postal Reg. Section,

325th Air Service Group, 343rd Air Service Squadron, 328th Air Service Squadron, 403rd Air Depot Group, Station 597, AAF 597, AAF Station 597, Langford Lodge, USAAF, AAF, USAAC, Air Depot, 3rd Base Air Depot, Base Air Depot 3, BAD 3, Burtonwood, Warton, BAD 1, BAD 2, 5th Airdrome Squadron,  Station Complement Squadron Base Air Depot #3, 7th Air Depot Group, 37th Station Complement Squadron,38th Signal Company, Service Group, 311th Ferrying Squadron,312th Ferrying Squadron,321st Air Transport Squadron, Station Complement Squadron Army Air Force Station 597, 597th Station Complement Squadron, 694th Quartermaster Company, 1694th Ordnance Company,1694th Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, 759th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored),1647th Quartermaster Company (Colored), 769th Ordnance Company, 897th Military Police Company, 984th Military Police Company, 1145th Military Police Company, 1195th Military Police Company, 1694th Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, 1947th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored), 2211th Quartermaster Truck Company, 310th Ferrying Squadron, 27th Air Transport Group, 325th Service Group, 328th Service Squadron, 343rd Service Squadron, Gartree Church, Gartree, Largy Road, Gortnagallon, Jive Bombers, Packenham family, Packenham's, Modification and Technical Control Section, M&TCS, Lockheed Overseas Corporation, Henry Ogden, Hank Ogden, Photographer Bob Drury, Photographer Joe Henley, Langford Lodge Control Tower, Lough Neagh, County Antrim, Crumlin, Walter Bernier, LOC Assistant Base Manager J. Kenneth Hull, Langford Lodge North Ireland, Colonel Fred A Deyo, Lt. Robert T. Hill, Lt. John W. Bergin Jr., First Sergeant Maurice A. Liptow, 325th Service Group Photographer T/Sgt. Thorup, Lt. W.B. Hamner, Major Frederick B. Johnson, Major L.A. Britten, Lt. P.N.Wick, Captain E.W. Lamb, Lt. E.A.Womack, Lt. J.G. Rock, Captain J.E. Keyes, Captain A.J. Carlson, Lt. J.W. McBride, Captain B.H.Harding, Lt. R.A. Greenberg, Lt. V.J. Pietrobon, Lt. A.J. Marx, Lt. R.T. Hill, Captain R.C. Stowers, Lt. J.E. Bellanca, Lt. J.B. Fleming, Lt W.A. Fitzpatrick, Lt E.N. Lessman, Medical Officer Lt. F.C. Wagenseller, Lt. Chester W. Gulczynski, Lt G.F. Ostroski, Lt. Max Miller, CWO O.S. Connor, Lt. C.W. Blankenship, Lt. W. Baron, WOJG W.N. Adams, WOJG M.R. Cory, Lt. J.S. Riccio, Lt. E.F.Hilgner, Lt. W.J.Casey, Lt. P.F.Schwaller, Lt. R.W. Van Cott, Lt. C.A. Cleveland Jr., Lt. W.H. Ayers, Captain Richard C. Batley Jr., WOJG S.R. Delfel, Sgt.Frank M. Seitz Jr., 325th Service Group Photographer Sgt. Arhdt, 325th Service Group Photographer Cpl. Friedman, 325th Service Group Photographer Sgt. O'Brien, 1st Lt. John B. Fleming, Lt. Francis E. Turner, Lt. Vincent J. Pietrobon, Pvt. Wallace J. Demery, 325th Service Group Photographer S/Sgt. Reeves,325th Service Group Photographer Pvt. Moore, Frank E. Sapio, 325th Service Group Photographic Officer 1st Lt. Joseph C. Hitchcock, 325th Service Group Photographer 1st Lt. Roswell W. Van cott, 325th Service Group Photographer Corporal Friedman, 325th Service Group Photographer Corporal Goodrich, 325th Service Group Photographer 1st Lt. John W. Bergin Jr., Civil Service Technicians Engineer Howard McGonical, Albert McGerty, Jetmond Litel, Joe Funkhouser, John Kerns, Edward Carroll, Vernon Sharer, Harold Hoyt, Eldon Applegate, Julius Mueller, Harley Bacon, Joseph Carey, Elvin Frasier, Glenn Strawn, David Kreig, Elmer Baggenstoss, Harry Arnott, Ray Hill, Jack Hinds, Victor Sammett, Vincent Iannone, Frank Weiss, William Caraway, Richard Rymer, Lee Sargent, Arthur Moore, Mary McLean, Frederic Franklin, George Randall, Burt Miller, E. Nayor, Roy Starnes, George Mann, Gordon Bishop, Weston Irwin, Ralph Webster, Allen Gold, E. Vasquez, John Hopkins, Harvey Fellers, Ted Liebel, Clyde Klumb, D.Chrissman, Paul Brawner, Dwight Whitmore, M.Pourchot, M.Robenson, William Owens, M.Caldell, W.Norgard, C.Cossano, Joe Hansal, J.Rogers, Engineering Design Sgt. Stockton, Sgt. Barton, M/Sgt. Gutridge, Mr. Rymer, T/Sgt. Hein, Pfc. Darkoch, Sgt. Stokeley, Cpl. McCarthy, Cpl. Turner, Major Marcus, Lt. Knight, Lt. Hickerson, Cpl. Shedlarski, Cpl. Lambert, Cpl. Ault, S/Sgt. Steck, T/Sgt. Saul, S/Sgt. Cruz, Pfc. Gebhardt, Cpl. Rosenblum, Cpl. Hejnal, Cpl. Al Nance, Sgt. Lamborghini, Lt. Prine, Cpl. Smith, Cpl. Gilbert, Cpl. Hansen, T/Sgt. Emery, Cpl. Reid, Cpl. Ashe, Enlisted Personnel S/Sgt. Edgar Otto - Mass, S/Sgt. Robert Cruz - Wyo, S/Sgt. Walter Krueger - Col, Pfc. John Frank - N.Y., Cpl. Walter Ashe - W.Va., Sgt.John Hanson - Cal, Sgt. Raffaele Lamborghini R.I., Cpl. Herbert Turner - Ohio, Cpl. Ronald Gilbert - Cal, Cpl. Walter Bernier - Michigan, T/Sgt. Harold Lenmark - Illinois, Cpl. Lincoln Reid - N.Y., Sgt. Wade Barton - Miss, Cpl. Albert Gee - N.Y., Cpl. James Lvtle - N.Y., Sgt. Frederick Stockton - Ala, Cpl. Harry Stark - N.Y., S/Sgt. William Homzik - Minn, Sgt. Alfred Gnayck - Md, Cpl. George Boyer - Ind, T/Sgt. Elbert Shankles - Ill, Sgt. Wentworth Sankey - Cal, Pfc. Frank Pupak - Pa, Sgt. Kenneth Bair - Ohio, Sgt. E.A. Vettorino - N.J., S/Sgt. James Griffen - Tex, Pfc. William Mathison - Mont, M/Sgt. Jack Gutridge, Sgt. Ambrose Lawrence - N.J., M/Sgt. Louis Hill, Cpl. William Nance - Okla, S/Sgt. William Burns - Okla, T/Sgt. Thomas Saull - Mich, Cpl. Milton Koosman - N.J., S/Sgt. Edward Annunziato - N.Y., S/Sgt. Rudoplh Steck - N.Y., T/Sgt. William Carter - N.Y., Sgt. William Cocklin - N.Y., Sgt. Robert Burham - Mass, Cpl. Herbert Rosenblum - Brooklyn, Cpl. Gerald McCarthy, - N.Y., Sgt. William Austin - Col, Cpl. William Lankford - Va., Pfc. Leonard Sherman - Ore., Cpl. Melvin Hurwitz - Mass., Pfc. Oldrich Hejnal - Ill., Sgt. Harris Ger - Mass., T/Sgt, James McCray - Okla., Pfc. William Drugan - Mass., Pfc. Irving Youngelman - N.Y., Sgt. Edward Nemiroff - Cal., Cpl. George Labbee - Ill., Cpl. Robert Roche - N.Y., M/Sgt. Richard Hanson - Minn., T/Sgt. William May - N.Y., M/Sgt. George Buckman - Mass., Pfc. Stephen Darkoch - Pa., S/Sgt. William Collins - Mass., T/Sgt. George Breig - Texas, Cpl. Richard Lambert - Utah., Cpl. Harvey Hardin - Pa., Sgt. Wallace Lott - N.J., Cpl. Reber Barnes - Ill., Cpl. Kenneth Hanson - Texas., Pfc. George Shedlarski - Pa., Cpl. Ralph Merchant - Mont., Sgt. Edward Bradley - Washington., Sgt. Loris Leinhart - California, 1st Sergeant Jack Courter - Ohio., Sgt. Vincent Sahli - Pa., T/Sgt. Rod Emery - N.Y., Cpl. Eugene Poggi - N.Y., Sgt. Thomas Burnham - Texas., Sgt. Guy Blackburn - Ohio., Sgt. Earl Chase - Texas., Pfc. John Perniciaro - Mo., Sgt. Robert Stockley - Ga., Pfc. Raymond Sherwood - Ill., Cpl. John Ault - Fla., Sgt. Norman Yewell - Okla., Sgt. Harold French - Col., Sgt. Merell Dahlstrom - Cal., Cpl. John Wilson - Cal., T/Sgt. Lloyd Sanders - Pa., Cpl. Henry Smith - Pa., Cpl. Floyd Sims - Ind.,M&TCS Test Pilot Lt. Carl V. Long, M&TCS Lt. B.F.Crowe, M&TCS Lt. C.H. Prine, M&TCS Lt. C.A.Bachmann,M&TCS Lt. W.J. Furlick,M&TCS Captain G.W. Fugate, M&TCS Engineering Officer Lt. William R. Knight, M&TCS Captain O.W. Noland, M&TCS Test Pilot Lt. Ronald J. Johnson, M&TCS Test pilot Lt. Richard E. Townsend, M&TCS Test Pilot Lt. Glenn R. Young, M&TCS Test Pilot Major W.J. Ives, M&TCS Test Pilot Lt. Elliott F. Fields, Lieutenant Colonel R.J. Reed - Station Commander, Major W.C. Marcus - Chief Engineering, Captain L.E. Schoff - Techinical Control, 1st Lt. John C. Lattimore, Captain Louis M. Freedman, T/Sgt. Willie F. Oden - 18036329, 1st Lt. George L. Steinfeld - Flying Controller, Pfc. George E. Hill - 39282209, 1st Lt. Dilon G. Hagen - Flying Controller, 1st Lt. G.D. Freshwater - Flying Control Officer,1st Lt. John C. Lattimore - Weather Officer, 1st Lt. Weldon D. Nickels, Major Robert Porter - Flight Surgeon, Major Joseph E. Lowe, Major Warren M. Gilbert - Medical Officer, Test Pilot Harold B. Reichert, Test Pilot William W. Brown, 1st Lt. James E. Matuska, Lockheed Civilian Test Pilot Howard Trunnell, Sgt. John Davies - 16169072, Major Moir L. Shockley, Captain L.E. Schoff, 1st Lt. G.L. Steinfeld, Captain Elmer D. Hays - 0-816100,

Langford Lodge airfield is commonly perceived and remembered as an American base in World War Two. Initially though, the site was one of about 50 in the United Kingdom which were developed in 1940/41 by the Ministry of Aircraft Production as Satellite Landing Grounds. SLGs were small, minimally equipped airfields to which new aircraft produced by the factories were flown for temporary storage under the auspices of RAF Maintenance Units prior to their being taken to a particular MU where they were fitted out for use by operational squadrons. One or more SLGs were allocated to each MU and Langford Lodge was one of five in Northern Ireland initially allocated to and used by No 23 MU at RAF Aldergrove. Aircraft storage at Langford Lodge commenced on 9 May 1941 but soft ground conditions quickly caused problems and it was decided to provide tarmac runways. Construction of the runways was well advanced by the end of July that year and RAF aircraft were stored at the site until May, 1942.


Meanwhile, although the USA was avowedly at peace prior to 7 December 1941, secret meetings which took place throughout the preceding year between representatives of that country and the UK resulted in an agreed strategy for joint engagement of the Axis powers in the event of the USA joining the war. A decision to construct an aircraft maintenance depot at Langford Lodge to provide for repair of American aircraft operated by British forces in addition to American-operated aircraft was one element of this. It was agreed that the Ministry of Aircraft Production would construct runways, buildings and mains services while the United States Army Air Force would take responsibility for operating the depot. In the event, the USAAF decided that to a large extent the operation of the depot would be subcontracted to the Lockheed Overseas Corporation, a subsidiary of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, in what proved to be a series of contracts renewable every 6 months. In February 1942, construction of the air depot commenced, the work being accorded absolute priority over all other construction in Northern Ireland. Large numbers of local people were employed to assist with its construction and subsequent administration and to facilitate commuting to and from the site a new rail track was laid by the Great Northern Railway from Crumlin to a terminus at Gortnagallon, half a mile from the actual airfield.


The Air Depot at Langford Lodge was officially activated in July 1942, under the command of Col E W Hill, 8th Air Force Service Command, USAAF. However, it was September before it began to operate as intended, only partially at first because construction of buildings and services was far from complete. One of the first aspects of its planned function to be put into effect was overhaul of Pratt & Whitney, Wright and Allison engines, assembly lines being established in Hangar 7. During October/November, 1942, some B-24 Liberator aircraft of the 8th Air Force's 44th Bomb Group, recently arrived in the UK, were modified at the depot but it was January 1943 before all the buildings in what eventually proved to be merely a first phase of construction were sufficiently complete to allow the depot to fully operational. Essentially, Langford Lodge was one of four primary air depots in the UK which during the period up to July 1944 when the contractual arrangements with Lockheed were terminated, provided complete logistical, ie supply and service back-up facilities to the USAAF, initially the 8th Air Force and then also the 12th, 9th and 15th Air Forces, albeit less extensively,. The other two, larger, depots were at Burtonwood and Warton in Lancashire but there were links between all three which were formalised by the setting up of a Base Air Depot Area organisation (BADA) in September 1943, at which time Langford Lodge was officially designated the 3rd Base Air Depot. As well as overhauling engines, maintaining and repairing aircraft already in service. a significant function of the BADs was preparing new aircraft for supply to combat units. Bomber aircraft were flown directly to the UK from the USA by the north or south Atlantic ferry routes and normally arrived at Prestwick or Nutts Corner, St Mawgan. St Eval or Valley. Fighter aircraft were shipped to Liverpool or Belfast. Both types were then taken to one or other of the BADs for assembly (if required), inspection and modification for use in the European Theatre of Operations. By 1944 however, Langford Lodge had come to specialise in experimental engineering while Burtonwood and Warton concentrated on proven modifications, a reflection of their much greater size. There was a little-publicised instance of this during May 1944 when Lockheed's Chief Test Pilot, the California-based Tony LeVier was at Langford Lodge assisting the Experimental Engineering Section with tests which succeeded in producing a 'fix' for the Allison engines which had been the cause of persistent problems in P-38 Lightnings at high power settings at moderate to high altitudes. In the process, as LeVier recalled in an article published only months before his death in February 1998, the depot's instrument specialist effectively designed the world's first Mach meter, by adopting a dual manifold pressure indicator to warn pilots when the aircraft's speed was approaching its critical Mach number. The depot also specialised in propeller overhaul and the manufacture of modification kits.


Termination of the contract with Lockheed reflected no real shortcomings on the company's part, merely that the combined capacities of Burtonwood and Warton for assembly/modification work had increased sufficiently to enable them to meet the logistical demand in that aspect. In fact, during the period that Lockheed had run the depot, through its subsidiary the Lockheed Overseas Corporation, 3250 aircraft were assembled, 11000 were serviced and 450000 components were overhauled. This was an outstanding achievement, all the more so because the relationship between LOC and the USAAF had not been an easy one, basically because of a few significant differences between the civilian and military ways of doing things. Furthermore, as USAAF Station 597, the depot had been subject to a series of bewildering administrative/organisational changes, being designated or known as, variously, "Scheme Y" Northern Ireland, HQ First Service Area; Langford Lodge Air Depot; 2029th Air Depot (Prov); 403rd Air Depot and 3rd Base Air Depot. In its heyday, about 7000 people had been employed comprising about 1000 military personnel, about 3000 Lockheed staff and about 3000 local civilians, paid for from Lockheed funds. From July 1944 until its closure at the end of July 1945, the base functioned as a Storage and Experimental Station, continuing to do some of die work for which it had previously been responsible and, as the war moved towards a conclusion salvaging increasing numbers of war-weary aircraft. For a few months in 1944, Langford Lodge was also the base for Ferrying Squadrons of the 27*' Air Transport Group. Following its closure in 1945, the airfield was placed in Care and Maintenance until 1952 when it was refurbished and used briefly to accommodate the RAF's No 5 Air Navigation School until its disbandment in January, 1953. Five years later, the airfield and buildings were acquired on behalf of the Martin Baker Company to facilitate development of the company's aircraft ejection seat enterprise.  Written by the late Ernie Cromie BEM

Black and White Photograph -  Manor House
Black and White Photograph - Aerial Airfield
Aircraft in Service Hangar
Technician Repairs Aircraft

Commanding Officers Col Edmond W. Hill July 1942 - September 1942 Col Joseph L. Stromme September 1942 - February 1943 Lt Col M W Kincaid February 1943 - February 1943 Col William M. Lanagan February 1943 - October 1943 Col Junius H. Houghton October 1943 - January 1944 Col T W Scott January 1944 - February 1944 Col John A. Laird February 1944 - April 1944 Col James S. Sutton April 1944 - August 1944 Col Chester P. Gilger August 1944 - November 1944 Lt Col Robert J. Reid November 1944 - July 1945 Official Designations, chronological. During Planning & Construction Scheme Y Northern Ireland YNI Headquarters, First Service Area - 9 July, 1942 Upon Activation; Langford Lodge Air Depot - 5 September, 1942 AAF Station 597 - 28 October, 1942, until closure. 2029th Air Depot - 12 February, 1943 403rd Air Depot - 1 May, 1943 3rd Base Air Depot - 14 September, 1943 Storage & Experimental Station - 24 September, 1944 U.S. Civilian organisations stationed at USAAF Langford Lodge - 1942-1945 Lockheed Overseas Corporation U.S. Civil Service U.S. Army Units stationed at USAAF Langford Lodge - 1942-1945 Headquarters Hq's & Hq's Sqdn, Langford Lodge Air Depot AAF Station 597 Hq's & Hq's Squadron, 2029th Air Depot Hq's & Hq's Squadron, 403rd Air Depot Supply 42nd Supply Squadron 7th Air Depot Group Aircraft, 1st to 4th Echelon Fifth Airdrome Squadron 325th Air Service Group 328th Air Service Squadron 343rd Air Service Squadron 520th Air Service Squadron (Detachment A) Aircraft Modification-Experimental Maintenance Division, Detachment A, BAD#1 Modification & Technical Control Section M&TCS Ferrying-Transport 27th Air Transport Group 310th Ferrying Squadron (Detachment B) 311th Ferrying Squadron 312th Ferrying Squadron 321st Air Transport Squadron Military Police 897th Military Police Company 984th Military Poilce Company 1145th Military Police Company 1195th Military Police Company 1253rd Military Police Company Company L, 3d Battalion, 156th Infantry Air Ministry Constabulary Royal Ulster Rifles 1st Veterinary Detachment (22nd Veterinary Section) (Dog Handling) Quartermaster, Truck, Ordnance, Service, Supply, Maintenance 4556th Quartermaster Service Company 407th Quartermaster Platoon (Detached 7th ADG) 442nd Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot Group 694th Quartermaster Company (Deatched 7th ADG) 759th Quartermaster Truck Company 1947th Quartermaster Truck Company 2211th Quartermaster Truck Company 1694th Ordnance Company (Automovtive) 2002nd Ordnance Company Signals 1038th Signal Company 401st Signal Company (Detachment A) Medical 55th Field Hospital, 1st Platoon Station Complement Squadrons 37th Station Complement Squadron 597th Station Complement Squadron Station Complement Squadron BAD#3 Control Tower 24th Army Airways Communications System 18th Weather Squadron, 597th Detachment Flying Control Division - May 1944 Weather 18th Weather Sqadron, 597 Detachment Station Defense Batteries A and B, 405th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (Semi-mobile) Batteries C and D, 405th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion CWS 402nd Station Gas Defence Detachment 761st Chemical Depot Company Aviation Army Post Office 636th Army Postal Unit APO 636 132nd Army Postal Unit APO 132 Detachment A, 28th Postal Reg. Section British Military & Civilian Organisations assigned to USAAF Langford Lodge RAF Liaison Ministry of Aircraft Production

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The "USAAF LANGFORD LODGE -  HERITAGE COLLECTION", is a "not-for-profit project", and as such, can not accept any monetary donations, however, the collection can certainly accept donations in the form of memorabilia of varying types, any original second world war items can be put to good use.

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