Are you related to any of these lovely ladies in the photograph to the right?, the curator would be very pleased to hear from you, with an expansive section within the heritage building dedicated to the Crash Ward, additonal information or photographs relating to these LOC ladies would be very helpful in telling their story. In no particular order we have; Vivian Campbell,39, 29 April 1905 Crosbyton, Texas Edna Burke Clancy, 35, 13 June 1909, Mason, Illinois Adelia Elsie Evavold, 33, 25 February 1911, Ashby, Minnesota Ruth Frances Fick, 39, 26 Ocotber 1904, Healy, Kansas Gladys Wilson Heywood, 28, 17 March 1916, Nebraska City, Nebraska Louise A. Parker, 29, 17 July 1915, Los Angeles, California Alta Verda Paynter, 32, 23 July 1912, Portland Oregon Zella Dagny Thorness, 32, 3 May 1912, Havana, South Dakota Ruth Clara Struebing, 28, 27 October 1915, Bonzilla, South Dakota Alice H. Marburg 38, 3 April 1906, Lompoc, California ullhc1945@gmail.com

The collection has accumulated around 200 issues of "THE LOC MAGNET" and the later "LOC DAILY MAGNET" base daily newspapers, these articles, which were published Monday to Saturday, from October 1942, to June 1944, feature many details about life on the base that are not availalble in the official historical records. The information contained within these articles is invaluable and will be used to form part of the many varied displays within the LOC section of the Heritage Collection Building. If you have any that you would not mind sharing, the curator can assure you, that they will be put to good use within the Heritage Collection Displays-Building. Please send any paper copies, digital scans on memory stick, cd, or dvd, or if you prefer, originals, to the curators address, below right; Alternatively, if you would like to e-mail your scans, you can send them to the curator via the following e-mail address; ullhc1945@gmail.com

Are you related to any of the Lockheed Overseas Corporation gentlemen listed below?, If so, the curator would very much like to hear from you. Bob Drury Joe Henley - Bakersfield CA Ken Hoge - (Kenneth Wendell Hoge) Pasadena, CA Herb Woodward

Are you related to any of the USAAF gentlemen listed below?, If so, the curator would very much like to hear from you. T/Sgt. Maurice E. Petitfils - 7 May 1908 - 18 February 2000 Cpl. Carl E. Cooper - Former city editor of "The Star".